Monday, February 1, 2010
Is Facebook hacked???
Facebook is down again February 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
PreJean Sex Tape

The biggest flub over the Carrie Prejean sex tape wasn't just that Prejean's mother was present in court to watch it -- eek! Apparently her mom was flabbergasted. But also, as we guessed, organizations she was affiliated with are dropping Prejean like a slippery slug (Prejean was set to speak on a family values panel over the weekend before they fired her from her seat). But now it's also reported that the Miss California organization may sue the pants off of Prejean over information she spills in her new book.
Prejean's book Still Standing: The Untold Story of My Fight Against Gossip, Hate, and Political Attacks came out Monday to threats from Miss California that they'll bring legal action against her for bombshells she drops in the book. Miss California executive director Keith Lewis says, "I work in pageants and I love a good fairy tale like anyone else. Unfortunately this is not one. This one doesn't have a message. Carrie's claims about me in her book are absolutely false, categorically incorrect, derogatory and untrue. She uniformly disparages me. I thought this was over, but the fight isn't finished." He continues, "... I am considering whether to take legal action against [her] defamatory remarks."
In the book Prejean says Miss California is highly unorganized and confused about the values it wants to portray to the public.
Yikes Carrie Prejean, looks like karma's coming to get you. And to make matters worse, Still Standing also released to a public that doesn't appear too enthusiastic about supporting Prejean right now. While "Prejean sex tape" is a hot search at the moment, her book is nowhere near Amazon's bestsellers...and that's despite Prejean's appearance on the Today show Tuesday morning. People want Prejean smut, and they want it for free.
Prejean, 22, told Meredith Veiera that the sex tape was "the biggest mistake of my life" and she has "no idea" how it got leaked...but, she says, she thinks controversy is God's plan.
Ummm...anyway, Jennifer Lopez is also dealing with a sex tape scandal. Read all about it here.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ralph Peters New York Post
We just saw the worst terror attack on America since 9/11. And Obama couldn’t adjust his schedule to support our grieving troops.
Instead, we got his subtle defense of the perp: Unwilling to use the word “terror,” let alone the phrase “Islamist terror,” Obama warned us not to “rush to judgment.”
A Muslim fanatic, known to the FBI as a fan of suicide bombers and to colleagues as an opponent of our government, coolly buys weapons, heads to a military facilityhe knows will be packed with unsuspecting soldiers, waits for the crowd to thicken, then shouts, “Allah is great!” and guns down 51 patriots, calmly reloading among the dead and dying.
But don’t rush to judgment.
Imagine if, instead of Fort Hood, the massacre had gone down at a mosque in Detroit — carried out by a maddened Christian or Jew. Obama would’ve been aboard Air Force One before the pilots had time to file a flight plan and he would’ve been on site before the gun smoke cleared, hugging and boo-hooing and dispensing stirring rhetoric for the evening news.
But go out of his way to rally our butchered troops? Not a chance. It’s not like they’re real human beings with Ivy League degrees. When Obama got word of the attack, he didn’t even lose his fabled cool.
Obama may be shamed into visiting Ft. Hood at some point, but his priority since Thursday has remained socializing American medicine. What happens in Texas, stays in Texas.
Move on? Yes we can!
Of course, this act of Islamist terrorism has been an inconvenience to a president whose administration insists there’s no such thing. Those dead and wounded soldiers are such an embarrassment. If only a Baptist or Lutheran had been the shooter, things would’ve been so much tidier.
What’s next? The White House is going to bring heavy pressure on the FBI, through Attorney General Eric Holder, to play down investigative results confirming that Maj. Nidal Hasan was motivated by his Muslim beliefs.
Instead, we’ll hear even more about the “harassment” Hasan suffered as the media toe the line laid down by the vile lead editorial in Saturday’s New York Times and how this calculating terrorist contracted PTSD from his patients.
Let me kill the harassment myth right now: Political correctness rules in today’s Army. We even protect our enemies these days. Had any soldier harassed Hasan because of his Islamist nuttiness, that soldier would’ve disappeared faster than a Franklin on a Times Square sidewalk.
Any snarky remarks directed toward Hasan — if there were any — would’ve come in reaction to his railing against our government, our military’s mission and the monstrous injustice that, after grabbing an education in psychiatry worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from our military, he might have had to do his duty.
Far from being harassed himself, this creep was allowed to harass the soldiers he treated for stress disorders. According to colleagues, Hasan not only argued with his patients about our wars, but preached Islam to those under his care. (Just what troubled vets needed, no doubt.)
Prejudice? You bet. In this terrorist’s favor. Nobody in Hasan’s chain of command had the sense of duty to weed this pervert out. Why? Hasan would’ve accused them of discrimination. And the officer who brought charges against Hasan would’ve been the one whose career suffered.
Since writing on this travesty in the Post and speaking out on Fox News, I’ve been deluged with supportive messages — many from soldiers outraged at the politically correct treatment of this terrorist by the media, by senior military leaders — and by the president.
How many more Americans have to die, at home and in war, before our president admits that there is, indeed, such a thing as Islamist terror? Will he ever admit that it played a role in the tragedy at Fort Hood?
Not a chance. Islam’s a religion of peace. America’s the problem. And don’t you forget it.
Ralph Peters' latest book is "The War After Armageddon."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Michael Jackson Autopsy Picture
Michael Jackson Autopsy Picture
Don’t tell me, Michael Jackson Autopsy Picture is about to do the rest of the business easily in Millions, as the source is trying to make a deal to publish the picture online. How can you do this with such a respectable pop icon Michael Jackson? This is most disgusting news I have ever heard. I am literally feeling very bad to write about it.
It is reported that the Michael Jackson picture during the postmortem has been taken and now the source is getting ready to make a deal as he approached a news reporter of the Daily Beast Gerald Ponser.
Gerald Ponser told that he had a call from the stranger who claimed that he got a picture of the “King of the Pop music” lying on the autopsy table. The reporter also provided the details of the photo.
Gerald told that his source provided the information about the Michael Autopsy picture that the quality of the picture is very good. The source also portray the snap in detail by describing the Jackson in quite a horrible and terrible situation, he said the picture was taken from the left side of the body and the shaved hair Michael was lying on a steel table with eyes wide open.
Well, the reporter also estimated the business that can be secured by publishing the picture online. As far as the fans of Michael and other people around, I can easily say that nobody will be interested to see the autopsy picture but if there are people who can sell the autopsy picture to earn some money, prospects of watching can also not be denied.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
NFL Scores Week 7
New England 35, Tampa Bay 7: In London, the touchdown drives are always on the wrong side of the field.
San Diego 37, at Kansas City 7: The whole Matt Cassel acquisition isn’t working out like the Chiefs imagined.
Indianapolis 42, at St. Louis 6: It was “Bring your daughter to work day,” but Rams thought it was “Play like you daughters day.”
Green Bay 31, at Cleveland 3: Browns have a very logical reason for losing: They just aren’t very good.
at Houston 24, San Francisco 21: What happened to all of that “Mike Singletary, coaching genius and master motivator” talk?
at Pittsburgh 27, Minnesota 17: Looks like the Brett Favre end-of-season collapse is going to start early this season.
at Cincinnati 45, Chicago 10: Note to Bears: When you let one of your No. 1 picks go, make sure it’s not to a team you play the next year.
Buffalo 20, at Carolina 9: Panthers petition NFL after game to award victories to the team with the most yards in the game.
N.Y. Jets 38, at Oakland 0: A confused Al Davis seeks out Joe Namath after game to say he loved him on “The Brady Bunch” last week.
at Dallas 37, Atlanta 21: Even though he’s not on team anymore, Terrell Owens angry after game that Romo never even looked his way.
New Orleans at Miami:Arizona at N.Y. Giants:
Open date: Baltimore, Denver, Detroit, Jacksonville, Seattle, Tennessee.